Archive for January, 2008

Fuse Kit Inventory

January 30, 2008

It only took an evening to get through all the parts for the fuse. Then it took another 3 days to inventory and sort all the hardware. There is a TON of hardware compared to the tailkit. I bought two more storage cabinets to hold all the bolts, screws, washers, etc.

Everything has a home now although I need to clear out some more basement junk to make room for storing the tail parts. Then it will be time to start the firewall!

Fuse Kit Pick Up!

January 21, 2008

I decided to order a QB wing to save a little time on the project. It won’t be ready until April. In the meantime though I figured I could get started with some of the fuselage build. The weather was terrific in the Northwest for MLK day. With the day off from work, there was not a better day to visit Van’s and pick up my fuse kit. Van’s had my big box of parts and a 14′ tube with the longerons waiting for me. In about 30 seconds a forklift and 4 guys came out of nowhere and put said big box and long tube in my truck.

With all the extra time I had, I waited in front of the hanger to get my free ride. It turned out that the factory 7 was in the shop getting a new engine so I opted for a ride in the 8. Joe Blank was a great host and pilot. He took me for the all too familiar $50,000 ride (more like $30,000 ride at this point). It was great to get my hands on the stick and feel how smooth and precise an RV is compared to the Cessnas and Piper I’ve always flown.

After a total of 7 hours in the truck, I arrived home safely. My builder friend Jason came by a few minutes later and helped me get all the stuff into the garage. Exhausted, I only managed to pull out the inventory list from the crate before dozing off.

Left Elevator Final Assembly 2

January 12, 2008

I am getting adept at rolling leading edges now. With the QB wing on order however, this should be my last one! I got the clecos in but the edges will need some more work before I can drill and rivet.

Tasks Completed:

  • Rolled and temp assembled the leading edges

Left Elevator Final Assembly

January 10, 2008

Tasks Completed:

  • Riveted front half of trim tab hinge to left elevator
  • Riveted top of trim tab, spar and back half of hinge

Note: The trim tab has a slight upward curve caused by the misalignment of the top holes. I am not sure how the fit ended up being off slightly. This will be another item to ask the tech counselor about. Worst case, I’ll end up building Trim tab #3! I’ll save it for a rainy day in 2009!

Attaching Trim Tab

January 7, 2008

Tonight I was able to get the trim tab clecoed into position on the left elevator. I am within 1/32″ of the trailing and inboard edges which I am pleased with. It looks as if the travel needed will be within spec once I get the bottom of the trim tab bend to clear the rivets in the elevator.

Tasks Completed:

  • Match drilled the forward hinge to the left elevator assembly
  • Trimmed inboard edge of hinge

Trim Tab Hinge Work

January 6, 2008

It proved to be a very busy first week back from the holidays at work. I forced myself to go down to the workshop tonight and get something done on the trim tab. The fuse kit is supposed to be ready for pickup the week of the 14th at Van’s, so I want to have the tail kit completed minus the fiberglass work by then.

Tasks Completed:

  • Aligned and clamped the front half of E721 hinge