Back in business!

I have lots of changes to write about. I’ll post them over the next few days. First off, though, I have relaunched 07M on The biggest reason is that I’ll be able to take photos,write and post straight from my iphone. So that should enable me to keep better track of my progress and post more often. Secondly, I’ll lose a little flexibility to customize my CSS and format my posts, but I will gain automatic wordpress updates and avoid breaking my own site. I don’t want to loose building time because I have to read CSS for Dummies again. And finally, as long as I go with the vanilla offering, it’s free! No hosting charges or renewals to remember. So now I can spend that 50 bucks or so at Avery or Cleveland or Van’s. Onward! Tomorrow, I’ll take you on a tour of the new 07M home.

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